Wood End PTO

Wood End's Parent Teacher Organization is a non-profit organization that plays an integral role at Wood End. The PTO works closely with the teachers, school administrators, parents and caregivers to provide in-school enrichment activities to enhance curriculum, field trips, social events for families, and overall support for the school, students and staff.


Did you know that on average the PTO spends $90 per child each year? Each year we kick off our fundraising with a dues drive. Historically, it is one of our largest fundraisers, and it is necessary so our school can raise enough money to fund a level of programs and educational experiences comparable to other Reading elementary schools. This includes enrichment programs, field trips, professional development, teacher appreciation, and supplementing the school with books and supplies.

Your support is vital to the diversity and continuation of the enrichment programs offered by the Wood End PTO, and we respectfully ask for your generous support. Please note that participation in our dues drive is not required but greatly appreciated! All parents and guardians of students at Wood End are all automatically members of the PTO. Payment of dues is not required in order to attend PTO meetings, contribute ideas, or volunteer your time.

  • Did you know that your PTO donation may be tax-deductible? Ask your tax preparer, but in many cases, your PTO donation is fully tax-deductible!

  • Does your company participate in a matching gift program? Your employer's "Matching Charitable Donations program" may match your donation to the Wood End PTO, which is a wonderful, free, and easy way to maximize your contribution!

To contribute you can:

  • Send a check (payable to Wood End PTO) in your child's backpack (ATTN: PTO)Save

  • Use the Wood End PTO Square site to send an electronic payment